Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break 2009 (Lee Behr)

Lee, Anna, a teacher, Brynna, Kara, Rachel and the kids from the community (and Jacob)

Lee was one of the students that participated in the SR Mission Trip in March. Below are her words describing the experience.

It was Spring Break 2009 and six of my classmates, my math teacher (and FCA sponsor) and her husband made a trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our hope was to make a difference in the lives of kids living in an orphanage. Our goal was to form a relationship with them in the short time we were there, just one week. We also hoped to open their eyes, ears and hearts to life’s possibilities through a shared faith. At least, we wanted to love each kid, knowing that God’s love shines through us to others. This was the first time I had been on a mission trip. I was nervous about going, not knowing what to expect. Plus, is this how I really wanted to spend my Spring Break? Looking back on the experience, I can’t imagine having spent the week any other way. When I was with the kids at Reame, I saw God at work. I could see it in their eyes and feel it through their love and receptiveness of an American stranger. It was an eye-opener in many ways and it was difficult to imagine what some of these kids had been thorough before coming to the orphanage. Many of their stories were heartbreaking and tragic, and yet the strength and happiness I witnessed among these kids was really inspirational. I returned feeling less self-centered and more willing to share love unconditionally. It strengthened my personal relationship with God and allowed me an opportunity to meet people in their own environment and on their own terms concerning faith. Although none of us spoke Portuguese, except for a few words and phrases, communication wasn’t really a problem. We played games and soccer, tie-dyed t-shirts, sang and did skits. It was truly a life changing experience for me. The chance to return can’t come soon enough.

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